Friday, September 9, 2022

Cooling Towers and Damaging Factors Such as Corrosion

Industrial Chem Labs and Services is a Deer Park, NY-based firm that delivers quality products in the commercial cleaning, disinfectant, and maintenance sphere. Among the items Industrial Chem Labs and Services manufactures and distributes in NY is cooling tower treatments that address corrosion while treating water.

A variety of facilities require cooling towers as part of a water treatment system. These include refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants, and buildings that are simply large in size. The towers may have an integral role in industry processes or simply cool and remove water from sites.

Issues such as fouling, scaling, biological growth, and corrosion may impact the cooling tower. This is often due to the improper treatment of feed water, blowdown, or circulation water. Such corrosion can in turn impact the cooling tower’s efficiency and integrity in ways that impact water usage and energy use.

When it comes to corrosion, the most common cause is dissolved gasses, but other reasons include pH level, temperature changes, dissolved solids, and contaminants from bacteria. Among the ways of preventing corrosive damage are filtration and the use of corrosion-resistant materials. In addition, the regular use of chemical inhibitors should be considered as an integral part of operations that eliminates corrosion risks.

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